ANNOUNCEMENT from Residency Malta Agency
Increase in minimum Annual Gross Income requirement
The Agency has revised the Permit’s Eligibility Criteria and as from April 1st 2024, new applicants for the Nomad Residence Permit will have to show proof of a minimum annual gross income of €42,000 (instead of the existing €32,400). This adjustment does not affect current beneficiaries applying for a renewal, who will retain the same income conditions under which they applied originally. Also, this adjustment does not affect applicants who have submitted their applications before April 1st 2024 and whose application is still in process.
Increase in maximum stay period
With effect from April 1st, 2024, it will also be possible for beneficiaries to apply for a renewal for a third time, for a maximum stay of 4 years (instead of the current 3). This option is open to all applicants.