Roderick Cutajar, CEO of immVest International, showcases Malta – Featured on Temple Magazine

As CEO of immVest International, Roderick Cutajarbelieves passion, commitment and dedication are what distinguishes his Company from the other Companies offering similar services and these are the values that energise him and keep him fresh-faced. But, immVest International’s strongest asset is the experience Cutajar brings to the business, having spent decades in strategic leadership positions…

nomad Residence Permit Services

immVest International has added another service to their current portfolio – nomad RESIDENCE PERMIT. The Nomad Residence Permit enables holders to retain their current employment-based in another country whilst legally residing in Malta. The Permit is open to individuals who can work remotely and independent of location. Residency Malta’s Nomad Residence Permit is open to…

Now or Never

Taking advantage of the Portugal Golden Visa.  Portugal’s Council of Ministers have recently passed legislative amendments to the Golden Visa program which will come into effect on the 1st of January 2022. In light of these new amendments, regional restrictions have been added to the purchase of real estate.  In view of the above, investors…